Moon Sphere

The Moon Sphere is a magical globe of blue radiance that appears in Dancing Court as the result of an ancient, powerful enchantment. This strange, beautiful feature of the South Ward in the city of Waterdeep appears only on nights when the moon is full.
The courtyard was left clear because of it, and the adjacent Jade Dancer was built to take advantage of it. For generations folk have come to Waterdeep to see it, and Waterdhavians have used it to relax and in courting each other.
The Place
Dancing Court is a smooth-finished courtyard paved in flagstones. Its central space is perhaps 60 feet across. In the midst of this a 40-foot diameter sphere of translucent, vivid blue radiance fades into being as the rays of the full moon fall on the Court and fades away with waning moonlight.
By Waterdhavian law, no one is allowed to restrict access of anyone else to the sphere or charge any fee for admittance to its confines. And no on is allowed to cast any spell or unleash any magic within, or into, the Dancing Court for fear of disrupting the magic. By tradition, a city guard patrol, accompanied by a member of the Watchful Order (always a wizard of some power) keeps watch over the Dancing Court when the Sphere is present.
The Prospect
The Moon Sphere has existed for at least a century due to a powerful magic created by the goddess Selune. There have always been rumours that she, various avatars of her, or her agents reside in Waterdeep, concealing themselves among the common folk.
The ideal place of worshpi to Selune is open to the sky - on a bare hilltop or clearing in a forest. In a city, a rooftop or open space is preferable to an enclosed chancel. Because of this, many services at the House of the Moon take place on its roof, visible to all nearby. The Moon Sphere is said to be the sailors' temple, open to all. Whenever it appears, any sailors in the city sober enough to make the journey travel to it to extend a hand into the blue glow and whisper a prayer to the Lady to see them safe to their next port.
What makes the Sphere attractive to those who do not worship Selune is its major magical property. Living beings who enter it and will themselves to rise can fly about inside the sphere's radiant confines. Traditionally, courting couples come here to dance in the air and kiss on high, floating so only their lips touch. There are tales of even more ardent activities between intimate couples within the Sphere's radiance.
Guests at the Jade Dancer customarily extend their festivities into the Court on nights of the full moon and drift or fly while drinking. The more daring even leap from the balcony of the Jade Dancer into the Moon Sphere. It is a mark of social daring and debonair nonchalance to do this without spilling even a drop of one's drink.
Traveler's Lore
There are many tales of dancers finding their true love in the sphere - even Piergeiron, High Lord of Waterdeep, is said to have first met his bride, Maethiira here. Selune herself is said to sometimes appear, conferring her blessings upon the assembled folk. Her priestesses try to send at least on of their number to dance and pray in the Moon Sphere each time it appears.
There is a ghostly tale about the phantoms of seven murdered princesses sometimes seen dancing in the Sphere. These young ladies, all of the royal house of Tethyr, were slain in Waterdeep some 80 winters back by a cruel host: their uncle, who wanted the throne.
After a night of joyful dancing with handsome young men in the Moon Sphere, which they found wonderous, the princesses were very tired. Their uncle replaced the pillows in their beds with mimic grubs (flatworm-like adolescent mimics whose touch can dissolve flesh). The unfortunate girls were found dead in the morn, intact except for their heads, which had been eaten away to clean, bare skulls.
Many bravos and young blades of Waterdeep have spoken, down the many nights since, of dancing with pretty maidens in rich gowns. They are silent, but seem somehow sad, their eyes bright with unshed tears - and their faces, when approached closely (for a kiss perhaps), are instantly transformed into ghastly skulls.
Certain powerful wizards of Waterdeep are also said to come here on rare occasions, when deep in thought, and drift about, staring at the stars as they ponder. It's the closest some folk of Waterdeep ever get to the great Khelbun "Blackstaff" Arunsun, and, for that matter, his more sinister rival, Maaril, and the aged head of the noble house of Wands, Maskar.
There is also a rumor among wizards that the touch of the Moon Sphere can recharge the magic of certain enchantments, if the right rituals are spoken.